Prayers for our Parish

St Edmund of Canterbury and St Thomas More

Parish Prayer Booklet 2018(Printable PDF copy)

As we begin a new initiative “Forming Intentional Disciples’ in our parish, let us pray together that we will grow in love for God and one another.









Do I allow the Holy Spirit to speak in my heart?

Do I ask Jesus: What do you want me to do, what do you want from my life?

This is training.  Ask Jesus, speak to Jesus, and if you make a mistake in your life,

If you should fall, if you should do something wrong, don’t be afraid.

Jesus, look at what I have done what must I do now?

Speak continually with Jesus, in the good times and the bad,

When you do it right and when you do it wrong.  Do not fear him!

This is prayer

Pope Francis

Prayer for Intentional Discipleship


Heavenly Father,

Thank you for this great opportunity to grow in love and relationship with you.

I know that you are calling me to know you more deeply through your son Jesus.

I open my heart to the great power of your Holy Spirit and I invoke the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary as I begin this new journey to find you from within, and to realise the gifts I received through my baptism.

Help me Father, to be released from any preconceived notions that stifle the creativity of the Holy Spirit, so that I am completely in your hands and compliant to all that you wish for me.

I pray also for my fellow pilgrims, that we will support, inspire and enthuse each other, fanning the spark of faith into a fire that fills us with the desire to proclaim the Good News of your Gospel.

Take from me any thought of self and give me the courage and humility I need to speak out and listen respectfully. So that together we may grow in confidence, give witness to you with joy and build your Kingdom.

I thank you Father in joyful anticipation, and offer this prayer through Jesus Christ your Son.


Prayer for Evangelisation (Proclaim 15)

Loving Father, You so loved the world that you sent us your only Son that we might believe in him and have eternal life.

May we encounter Jesus Christ anew this day
and live the Good News with joy.

Through the power of your Holy Spirit, help us to “go out to the whole world and proclaim” our faith with confidence.

Give us the courage to witness to the Joy of the Gospel by our words and actions.
Help our parish to become more welcoming and missionary, so that you may be known and loved by all people.

We make this prayer through Our Lord Jesus Christ Your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever,



Our Lady, Star of the New Evangelisation,

Pray for us.

Blessed John Henry Newman,

Pray for us.

St Thérèse of Lisieux,

Pray for us.

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.

O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.

Glory be to the Father –

In whom we live and move

And have our being.

Glory be to the Son –

Whose name we bear

And who calls each of us

To be his disciples;

To build his Kingdom

And to go out into the world

And bear its fruit.


Glory be to the Holy Spirit –

Pouring out grace and guidance,

Forming us and renewing us.


Inspire us all in our parish

To live the Gospel,

To be open to change

And to move forward together in hope.


‘We believe that God’s desire for our diocese is that every Catholic will be part of a viable and flourishing community in order for their own faith to grow and so that they can share it with others.  For that to happen each of us need to look urgently at how we can move forward together with hope. Bishop Alan


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