12th Sunday of the Year 2020

Click here for newsletter: 12th Sunday of the Year 2020

Dear Friends in Christ,

Last Monday, 15th June, all places of Public Worship were opened for personal and private prayer. I would like to thank most sincerely the large team of parishioners who came to clean our church and prepare it for re-opening. I’m truly grateful for your generosity of spirit. Also, thanks to the parishioners who have kindly volunteered to act as stewards while the church is open for an hour each day. 12 Noon – 1.00pm. We are still looking for more stewards, and if you’re willing to give an hour once a week this would be wonderful, and we may even be able to extend the opening to two hours each day. Yet, we still have no idea when our churches will be open for public services. But I will endeavour to keep you all informed of any new information. We have an active WhatsApp Group, Facebook page & Parish Website, where the information is kept up to date. Please consult as necessary. The daily live streaming of Holy Mass will continue through the medium of Facebook & the Website. Let us continue to pray for an end to this virus and a return to some semblance of normality once again!

GOPEL REFELCTION: The greatest challenge presented in the Gospel is bearing witness to Jesus Christ. This is fundamentally at the heart of the Christian message. We all can bear witness to the Lord through example and holiness of our lives; through our marriages & family life; our relationships; our community; our places of work; even our recreation. Strength of faith is only gained through commitment, and this is something that no one else can do for us. It’s truly something that demands and individual response. In bearing witness to Christ, he will bear witness to us before God.

solemnity of corpus Christi

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